“Queer Ducks (and other animals)”

Is Gay Pride Month for queer ducks, too?  Just how queer are ducks?

A terrible sin, a gift from the gods, a mental illness, a natural human variation―over the centuries people have defined homosexuality in all of these ways. Since the word homosexual was coined back in1869, many scientists in a variety of fields have sought to understand same-sex intimacy. Drawing on recent insights in biology and genetics, psychiatrist Francis Mondimore set out to explore the complex landscape of sexual orientation.

We’re typically taught the natural order means male-female pairs for each animal on Earth…you know, like Noah’s Ark.  Darwin’s theory of natural selection only seems to confirm it—aren’t heterosexual pairings the best way forward for any species? But wait, there’s more….

A quiet revolution has been underway in recent years, with study after study revealing substantial same-sex sexual behavior in animals. Interesting enough, author Eliot Schrefer of “Queer Ducks” went on an exploration of queer behavior in the animal world—from clownfish to doodlebugs.

In his humorous writing, Schrefer uses science, history, anthropology, and sociology to illustrate the diversity of sexual behavior of the animal world. Interviews with researchers in the field offer additional insights for readers and future want-to-be scientists.

Queer Ducks (and Other Animals) puts to rest any tired claims about the “unnaturalness” of queer behavior. Schrefer argues that the diversity of sexuality that links humans to the animal world can also be a source of great joy, wonder, and self-acceptance which is huge!  Queer behavior in animals is as diverse and complex—and as natural—as it is in our own species. It doesn’t set us apart from animals—it bonds us even closer to our animal selves. (smile)

This concept transitions nicely into the Heterosexual-Homosexual Rating Scale, best known as the Kinsey Scale–developed way back in 1948. This relatively well-known scale accounted for research findings that showed people did not fit into exclusive heterosexual or homosexual categories–in other words, basically, there was a continuum of where one might fall.  Kinsey, a biologist, and his team studied human sexual behavior, preferences, thoughts, and feelings by interviewing thousands of people.

Kinsey found that 37% of the men he interviewed had a same-sex experience sometime between adolescence and old age, a rate that jumped to 50% for unmarried men by the age of 35.  Meanwhile, of the women he interviewed, 13% had a same-sex experience.  This research made it clear that human sexuality could not be defined as exclusively heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual.

As a result, Kinsey and his colleagues created the Kinsey Scale, which classifies people into eight categories that represent a spectrum of human sexual orientation.  So with all the sexual abuse (religious and otherwise) continually being performed, hidden and then uncovered…question:  is it possible that those abusers were at some point abused themselves and turned around to dominate and abuse others due to their sexual confusion (but yet are unable to bring themselves to admit their true deal)?  Bottom line:  SO much damage to innocent souls resulting from all of this confusion and abuse.    

And to my point…how many right-wing religious folks hide behind their religion and then say that LGBTQ folks are not right because they openly admit their truth…finding and misinterpreting scriptures in the Bible to argue their point. 

I’ve witnessed the effects of this type of sexual abuse in my family.  I had a relative who was sexually abused in the basement of one of those strict protestant churches by several of his “religious” uncles causing years of sexual confusion, marital issues and poor health until he passed.  How many generations were involved with passing down this dark injurious craziness?  

How can this abuse chain be broken?  By understanding the above realities of the animal and LGBTQ world and then chosing to live with authenticity to better move forward with love and acceptance to all. And yes, this may take work which may include counseling and lots of self exploration but it is SO worth the holistic wellness journey.  As my gay friend, Joel, stated to his religious sister at one point…”I am who I am…God and the Universe do not make mistakes and He/She didn’t make one with me”.  

Let’s learn to live with love and light Warriors, versus hate, deception and darkness.  

Covid Humor:   What’s the difference between COVID-19 and Romeo and Juliet? One’s the coronavirus and the other is a Verona crisis.

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