Forgiveness–The Key to Freedom

Some time ago I learned of Louise Hay due to her holistic approach to wellness and healing. She was an American motivational author and the founder of Hay House. She authored several New Thought self-help books, including the 1984 book You Can Heal Your Life.

Louise  completed a 365-day meditation on self love that I have been listening to for my morning meditations. One morning, I was introduced to Dr. Patricia Crane who was very privileged to work and study personally with Louise Hay and that particular meditation, her focus was on forgiveness. 

Due to how prevalent anger and hatred seem to be in the world today, the following meditation touched my heart and I’m hopeful you will feel the same:  According to Dr. Crane:  

“Forgiveness is certainly part of most spiritual traditions and it’s a very powerful part of “Heal your Life” training and workshops.  Why forgive?  Because we are affecting ourselves  emotionally, spiritually and even physically.  In a way it’s almost selfish to forgive. 

“We sometimes think that I can’t forgive because we think it condones the other person and what they did, but that’s not true…it frees you from the prison of the past.  I’d like to read a few words from our mentor, Louise, before I begin my treatment today.  In her words you can never be free of bitterness as long as you continue to think unloving thoughts. How can you be happy in this moment if you continue to not forgive and continue to be angry and resentful? Thoughts of bitterness cannot create moments of joy no matter how justified you feel…no matter what they did.  If you insist on holding onto the past, then you will never be free.  Forgiving yourself and others will release you from the prison of the past. 

“When you feel stuck in some situation or when your affirmations are not working, it means there is more forgiveness to be done. We usually think of forgiveness more about ourselves than  those who have betrayed us in our lives, our family and friends and others; however, today I’m going to ask you to expand your vision and your understanding of forgiveness to world situations.  Things like inequality in our societies and wars and also even groups like politicians and we can certainly forgive this virus that has been so challenging to us recently.  Whenever you feel anger about any subject then there is some forgiveness to be done. Forgiving doesn’t mean just accepting…you can also work for change with love. 

“I would like you to take these words about forgiveness into your heart.  In the infinity of life where we all are, all is perfect, whole and complete…I now claim the power of forgiveness in my life.  The door to my heart opens inward…I move through forgiveness to love. The past is over so it has no power now. The thoughts of this moment create my future. I give myself the gift of freedom from the past and move with joy into the now.  There is no problem so big or small that it cannot be solved with love and forgiveness. 

“I am willing to forgive all the difficulties in the world around me because I now understand that my anger helps hold them in place. I move even beyond forgiveness to understanding and compassion for all people and all situations.  I am forgiving, loving, gentle and kind and I know that life loves me.  

“As I forgive myself, it becomes easier to forgive others in all situations. I forgive myself for not being perfect and know that I’m doing the best I know how to do at the moment with the awareness and knowledge that I had then. and I now move into greater awareness and knowledge as I forgive everything.  It is now safe for me to forgive the people and situations in my past where I have been holding resentment. I forgive the situations in the world…I move into love with everyone and every situation knowing that they all have something to teach me. I forgive everyone in my past and all the perceived wrongs. I envision peace and love everywhere in the world. All the changes in my life before me are positive and wonderful…I am safe and so it is. Namaste!  

Let’s bring forgiveness into our lives as a spiritual practice, Warriors.  Progress not perfection!  

Covid Humor:  I ran out of toilet paper and had to start using old newspapers. Times are rough.

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