Intellectual Humility  

You may ask…what is intellectual humility?  Admittedly, I was recently introduced to this concept while listening to a “Braver Angel” podcast regarding this timely principle and it felt like a valuable topic to explore.  

Basically, no matter which political side we’re on…we are all inclined to believe we know and understand more than we know. However, as the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates was well aware, what we think we know is not really knowledge at all. We may well want to cling stubbornly to our beliefs and believe we are more correct than others, however, people who practice intellectual humility are better listeners, learners, and more self-aware which is a great goal for all of us. 

Intellectual humility means recognizing that the things we believe dearly could actually be wrong. Unlike general humility, it is not centered on having a low view of one’s own importance or a lack of confidence. Rather, importantly, it’s a way of thinking.

At its heart, it incorporates accepting the possibility that what we think might be wrong. In addition, to be intellectually humble, it’s helpful to be keen to learn and, in fact, are open to the experiences of others.

Intellectual humility demands for us to think about our own limits. This trait is classically important in the ideal application of the scientific method. Here, we  are expected to actively test against one’s own hypothesis in order to ensure it is robust. In recent years, the concept has received growing attention amongst social psychologists with the loss-of-confidence project. This project aims to de-stigmatize admitting a loss of confidence in your own research results.

So why is it important to be able to admit we could be wrong about what we think? Well, for one thing, it will make us less defensive when challenged about our beliefs. This approach also forces us to think about our blind spots, opening up new lines of inquiry we may not have seen before.

Porter & Schumann’s study found that intellectually humble people are better at listening to opposing views. This makes them more likely to seek out information challenging to their own world-view and question evidence more carefully. A Kross’s study confirmed this, finding the intellectually humble were more likely to be wise.

So how can we develop intellectual humility?  If our ignorance is invisible to us, then how can we become more aware? The author Shane Snow, devised an intellectual humility test to measure where we stand on 4 key areas of importance for the intellectually humble and these are the 4 areas we need to work on in order to develop intellectual humility:

  1. Respect for the viewpoints of others: We should try to recognize the moral basis of the viewpoints of others…trying to empathize with what they tell us. When possible…living abroad, learning new languages, and reading broadly are also great ways to increase our intellectually humble skills in this area.

2. Foster a lack of overconfidence of our own intellectual ability: Looking at the math that shows how groups can become greater than the sum of their parts by valuing diverse perspectives within them. We can easily practice this skill by actively saying ‘I might be wrong’ after expressing a strong viewpoint. Feel confident to admit when we don’t know something. This can help us be more empathetic and understand why we need it.

3. Separating our ego and our intellect: Try to recognize when we react personally to viewpoints that challenge our own. By identifying our emotional responses, we can become more objective and open to listening. You may even seek out ego death.

4. Being willing to revise our viewpoint:  Being truly intellectually humble requires us to respect the viewpoints of others. To develop this skill, we can practice actively revising our viewpoint. How could we think about what we believe differently?

Additional Note:  Listening to the “Braver Angel” podcast is another helpful option (since they present opposing political positions).  I’m very thankful that this podcast has helped open my perspectives.  

Being intellectually humble requires us to listen more and talk less. It requires us to be empathetic to others, and be less emotionally attached to our own viewpoints…important first steps to improve our understanding and wisdom, Warriors!  Progress…not perfection!  .

Covid Humor: Was stuck at a Wal-Mart checkout. So after coughing, I said “this cough is getting worse since I got back from China” …boom, no line. 

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