Are Apolitical Holiday Gatherings Possible These Days? 

For families who settled for smaller gatherings and remote blessings during the height of the pandemic, this Thanksgiving looked like the return of the big bash and our family was certainly no exception. 

Admittedly, our family had not gathered for several years (even before the crazy pandemic)…partially due to the significant shift of my mother being cared for in an assisted living facility, a divorce that divided many family members and of course later, the pandemic..

My pandemic journey began before we took a planned vacation to Jamaica.  We did hear this Covid deal was beginning in our country, but call it denial or whatever, we took the chance that it hadn’t spread to our Jamaican destination (which it had not).  Then once we returned back home…we opted to adopt our Covid-therapy dog from the Humane Society…an 18 month old beagle, called Mocha prior to the lockdown.  And trust me, Mocha’s therapy has been SO appreciated,…even today.  .  

Once vaccines were available for the old fart population…James and I received our initial two injections plus boosters…and of course meanwhile the political environment was very toxic and dividing.  Then my Mother passed away…boy was I jealous (she got to fly away from all of this brouhaha).  We had a grave-side service with immediate family members and vowed to do a memorial for her in one year.  That memorial for Mom initially was challenging due to more than half our family wanting it to be indoors (the unvaccinated folks). However, due to the possibility that SO many family members would not be immunized for the virus due to their, conservative values, we finally agreed to use an outdoor shelter in the park.  It all worked out well and even the weather cooperated for us…very thankful and a great time was had by all…lots of fun stories shared. 

Meanwhile, James and I continued to follow the science, wearing masks in public and I continued my wellness trek as usual, yoga, acupuncture, massage and support meetings felt comfortable due to all following the science as well with the mask policy.  The Zoom meeting options were very much appreciated for my Rotary meetings, plus very much appreciated the ability to pick up groceries with minimal contact.  

Fast forward several months…I had an opportunity to go thrift shopping with a conservative relative and once asked, she shared that she was not vaccinated.  Since we were trying to continue following the science…we understood that we could be carriers, even though vaccinated…we canceled our plans…huge bummer since typically we’ve had SO much fun together.  

However, this year, most of us were ready to get back to gathering again…conservatives as well as liberals.  The love we had for each other superseded all of those deals this year for which I was SO thankful.  The memories and the laughs we shared were priceless.

Seemingly, according to a few experts this year: “It appears that the Culture War division that exists is not as strong and toxic as generally thought, that many norms surrounding civility and politeness remain intact. With perhaps only a small disruption attributed to politics, Americans appear to be largely successful at putting aside their political differences and enjoying Thanksgiving dinner with relatives and friends with whom they differ.” How wonderful is that?  Love wins!  And I’m hopeful this was your family’s experience as well.  What a crazy trek it has been, however, so thankful we’ve evolved to a better place.

Recently I found some beautiful words on my Insight Timer app called “Heart Prints” by an unknown author that seemed fitting and timely. 

“Whatever your hands touch, you leave fingerprints, on walls, on furniture, on door knobs, dishes and books…there is no escape.  As you touch you leave your identity.

Wherever you go today, leave heart prints…heart prints of compassion, understanding and love. Heart prints of kindness and genuine concern.  

May your heart touch a lonely neighbor or a runaway daughter or an anxious mother, or perhaps an aged grandfather.

Go out today to leave heart prints.  And if someone should say “I felt your touch, may they also sense the love that is deep within your heart.” 

Let’s keep love alive, Warriors!  Progress…not perfection.  And let’s be gentle with ourselves along the way.  

Covid Humor:  What do you call someone whose life didn’t change after quarantine? An introvert.

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