Helping Kindness Go Viral

Kindness, Chalk, Handwritten, Word

Recently we experienced the tumultuous process of selecting our new Republican Speaker of the House (talk about 15 shades of dysfunctional gray). . And then in a split-screen moment, we were able to revisit the anniversary of the January 6th insurrection where numerous citizens and Capitol police were honored for their bravery…we may ask ourselves…OK, now what?  As we soon celebrate his birthday…I SO love this wisdom and truth by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr: 

“We may have come over on different ships…but we’re all in the same boat now.” 

Regardless of our political, religious or ethnic persuasions, we admittedly have many differences that we feel divide us, however, I think we can agree that we have more things in common than we may realize…that of the need for love, dignity and respect.  

Last month, CBS News explored how one simple act of humanity or kindness can change the world in the Primetime Special “The Gift: Kindness Goes Viral with Steve Hartman”.  Hartman, the correspondent for the memorable “On the Road” series on the CBS Evening News and CBS Mornings’ “Kindness 101,” brings his heartwarming and inspiring storytelling to primetime with a one-hour special focusing on ordinary people committing extraordinary acts that change lives far beyond their own. Here are some wonderful examples to get your kindness juices flowing:  

The stories ranged from a woman whose life was changed forever by a hairdresser who cared, to a family whose child would soon go blind using that experience to help others see the world, and a woman who couldn’t afford to adopt creating an inventive idea now helping others pay for adoptions. These stories remind us that one act of humanity can go a long way.

“Every one of these stories starts with someone who was helped by another person, and that interaction changed their lives forever,” Hartman says. “You see time after time how just one gesture can alter a person’s life. Very often, that moment inspires them to pay it forward…ultimately multiplying the impact of that initial act.”

During the hour, Hartman shares the story of a crime reporter at the Mansfield News Journal in Ohio who got a tip for a story she initially didn’t want to cover, about a family that was taking their daughter to an observatory to see the stars before she lost her vision to a genetic disorder. The family had put together a visual bucket list for the young girl, which exploded once the story was published, leading to a trip to Italy to meet the Pope. The outpouring of kindness also led the family to create a foundation to help other children losing their sight.

Katie Steller, founder of the Red Chair Project, opens up about how a salon owner who cut her hair when she was a teenager suffering from an immune disease inspired her to help others. Today, Steller, a hairstylist, provides free haircuts and friendship to the homeless in her community. She also launched the Steller Kindness Project to give a free makeover to people who commit an act of kindness in exchange for sharing their stories. She posts those stories on her website hoping others will be inspired to spread their own kindness.

Hartman also revisits some of the stories he’s previously reported to see how those initial acts of kindness have spread. For example, Hartman talks with Ruby Chitsey, 15, who when she was 11 asked residents at a nursing home to share three items they wished for. That led to the creation of a national foundation where young children fulfill the wishes of nursing home residents by purchasing many of their needed items. 

As a tie-in to his special, Steve is hoping to start a wave of kindness through a social media campaign asking viewers to post a photo or video of themselves doing an act of kindness using the hashtag #kindnessgoesviral. In addition to the Kindness Challenge, CBS News will be reaching out to the Kindness 101 Teacher’s Group on Facebook with a viewing guide, offering students and families some prompts on how they can pay it forward with kindness.

We need positive shows like this to help us see the benefit of extending a kind word or hand in this human experiment we call life…let’s help kindness go viral!   

Kindness…what a wonderful spiritual practice as 2023 evolves, Warriors!   

Covid Humor:  What did we call someone that enjoyed the quarantine?  An introvert. 

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