Emotional Healing

Emotional healing…who needs it? According to a site titled “Verywell Mind” all people need emotional healing at some point during their lives—we all experience challenges and difficult emotions that need processing. 

How do we know that we need some emotional healing?  Have you ever had an experience that touched a nerve and you went off with anger and then wondered…wow…where did that come from?  Could it be emotional baggage? 

“Emotional baggage”or trapped emotions refers to unfinished emotional issues, stressors, pain, and difficulties we’ve experienced that continue to take up space in our minds and affect our present relationships, says Sabrina Romanoff, PsyD, a clinical psychologist, and professor at Yeshiva University.  Clinically speaking, emotional baggage is essentially unprocessed trauma or PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).

Examples of unresolved emotions: trouble controlling anger and frustration; lack of trust; guilt and regret; heartbreak, being fired from a loved job, living through a scary situation, having a fight with a loved one, illness or injury, divorce or a major life change;  abuse (mental or physical); childhood trauma; neglect of unmet needs; painful break-ups; other stressful, frightening or traumatic events. 

Why should we care if these are addressed or not?  

Effects of repressed emotions:  They can factor into mental health conditions, such as stress, anxiety, and depression; and/or may also play a part in chronic illness.  In fact, could these unresolved emotions be the underlying cause of many of our health issues?  Just like a physical wound may fester and become infected if left untreated, the accumulation of unaddressed emotions can lead to stress, anxiety, and depression. The increase in cortisol that comes with stress can lead to changes in heart rate, motivation, and sleep.  Heavy sigh! 

Realistically, life is not perfect, therefore, we all most likely have these…while some carry it in a suitcase (baggage)… others may need a UHaul…we’re all a hot mess…however there is hope.   

As a nurse, I SO appreciate getting to the bottom of health issues versus putting bandaids on our challenges as our traditional medical system has been taught.  Therefore, I was SO thankful to learn of Dr. Badley Nelson’s emotion/energy work from both of his books:  “The Emotion Code” and his newest, “The Body Code”. 

Dr. Nelson, an internationally renowned medical intuitive, healer, and teacher. educates us that these unfelt, unacknowledged, and unreleased emotions are at the core of most of the body’s imbalances. Stunningly, his work has shown that 90% of physical pain can be traced back to trapped emotions.

However, here’s the great thing…we all can learn how to discover and release trapped emotions, allowing our body to heal faster and more efficiently!  In fact, everyone possesses this self-help ability, according to Dr. Nelson and it’s much easier than you might think.

Dr. Brad shows us how to use the Emotion Code…his easy, yet powerful, proven approach to energy healing through muscle testing…which he shows us how to do and learn how to quickly release trapped emotions to resolve underlying physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances for a healthier, happier life. Our body and our subconscious mind can tell us a lot…even whether some are inherited or not.  We resemble an onion of sorts…unpeeling the layers through testing and clearing.  

As I’ve worked with emotional release for myself, I’ve found the trapped emotion “overwhelmed” frequently…many of which have been inherited from my mother.  Before Mom’s dementia increased, she shared that while she was hospitalized for my birth, Dad bought a dairy farm with little indoor plumbing…but thankfully it had electricity and running water from a well.   Once discharged, Mom brought not only my newborn self, but my 18 month old sister to her unseen new home…talk about being overwhelmed!  And through those years, I recall mom letting out a heavy sigh (her frequent overwhelmed expression) which I obviously trapped on many occasions.  

Dr Nelson’s newest book “The Body Code” actually comes with a smartphone app that is much more in depth in terms of finding and correcting other imbalances such as Chakras and skeletal misalignments.  

Another special aspect of this healing is that it can be done from a distance since basically energy knows no bounds.  I’ve had a number of successes for not only myself but others at a distance.  It’s key that no promises can be made, that permission is given (by whomever is being tested, parent or pet owner) and a short prayer asking for Divine guidance. 

There is much healing needed in this world, Warriors…and we can all play a role not only for ourselves, but others needing our support.  After all…we’re all in this together.  

Spiritual Meditation: One of the greatest gifts we can give to our own healing is vulnerability.   – Daily Medicine

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