Got Stress? How About Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine?

Even though many people don’t equate needles with stress relief…it’s been proven over the centuries that Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine is a very viable option  for our modern stress epidemic.  

Naomi Kovelan, a certified acupuncturist, graduated from Midwest College of Oriental Medicine…studying briefly in China as well in 2006 and has been in practice here in our fair city since 2005.   Since many may not automatically think of this healing practice, she feels educating on the benefits of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture regarding stress would be helpful. 

Upon doing an internet search, Naomi felt the following article titled “10 Reasons Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Can Help With Stress” on the site title Village Remedies would be an excellent educational tool:  

“”At Village Remedies Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine clinic we like to reframe the concept of stress, normally people associate stress as not being able to cope, being burnt out or being overwhelmed, but these extremes do not encompass the full spectrum of stress nor the varying origins of stress.

“We prefer a more scientific approach to the definition of stress which is simply a physical, mental or emotional factor causing a load on the body. Examples of extra load on the body can be anything such as getting up early and not getting enough sleep, being busy at work and having to rush to make a deadline, or doing a lot of exercise and not fully recovering. All these things have varying effects on our body, some bigger than others but all are contributing factors to the overall load on the body which can force our autonomic nervous system into the sympathetic response a.k.a. fight or flight response.

“”Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine and the unique effects of the rest and digest response can help with multiple areas of life and can help you better deal with stress. Below are 10 reasons acupuncture and Chinese medicine can help with stress:

1.  Aid Digestion:  Stimulates the digestive system…nudging the body from fight or flight mode to the rest and digestive healing state. 
2.  Assist Sleep: By switching you from the fight or flight mode to rest…it can assist you in getting to sleep and staying asleep.
3. Help Boost Energy: By helping with the previous point of sleep, your body will  better recover from the day, giving you more energy to tackle the rest. 
4. Relieve Pain: Acupuncture and acupressure has been used extensively for pain management whether during child labor, post-operative or various forms of chronic pain…thereby decreasing stress.   . 
5. Tailored For You: A unique formula of Chinese Herbal Medicine can be put together by your practitioner to not only assist with stress, but also address specific symptoms to help you heal, rest, recover and feel happier overall.
6. Daily Treatment At Home With Chinese Herbal Medicine:  A unique formula will be made up to suit your particular condition and by taking your regular doses every day, it’s almost like you’re giving yourself a daily treatment without needing to come into the clinic as often. Herbs and acupuncture work best together but for some, herbs may be enough to keep you improving…offsetting stress.
7. Acupuncture Has Minimal Side-Effects:  Unlike most western drugs and medication, acupuncture is extremely safe.  
8. Acupuncture Can Help Enhance Mood:  By reducing pain and tension, improving sleep quality, aiding digestion and increasing energy…all have a positive effect on your mood and how positive you feel. It’s been shown to stimulate the varus nerve which, in turn, triggers the brain to release anti-stress hormones such as prolactin, oxytocin and vasopressin…the feel good hormones.
9. Time For Yourself, No Distractions: An acupuncture session lasts about an hour, this hour is all about you and your health goals. No work, kids, family, screens or electronics, just you and your time to recharge your own health…enjoy!
10. Useful Lifestyle Advice: Chinese Medicine Practitioners can also provide traditional advice on diet, exercise, breathing techniques to arm you with useful tools for managing and reducing the impacts of stress in your day to day life.
If I can personally attest that I have benefited from Naomi’s gentle and knowledgeable expertise.  If you are experiencing pain, not feeling your best or simply want to find out more about acupuncture treatment options, call Naomi today (608) 576-0047.
Spiritual Meditation: If you woke up today there is a beautiful, divine source that believes in you.  – Daily Medicine

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