What Does Freedom Mean to You?  

In this election year, political freedom seems foremost on most of our minds.  Freedom is often viewed through the lenses of conservatism and liberalism, each offering distinct perspectives on the role of the individual, government, and society.

Conservatives typically emphasize the importance of tradition, social order, and stability. They argue that true freedom exists within the framework of established institutions, such as family, church, and community. Conservatives often believe that excessive individualism can lead to social fragmentation and moral decay. As a result, they advocate for limited government intervention in the economy while supporting regulations that uphold social norms and values. For conservatives, political freedom is about preserving cultural heritage and promoting a cohesive society, often prioritizing collective responsibilities over individual rights.

In contrast, liberals champion individual rights and personal autonomy as the cornerstone of political freedom. They argue that each person should have the freedom to pursue their own path, free from undue interference by government or society. This includes advocating for civil liberties, social justice, and equal rights for marginalized groups. Liberals often support a more active role for the government in addressing social inequalities and protecting individual freedoms. They believe that political freedom is enhanced through progressive policies that promote diversity and inclusion, viewing societal change as a necessary evolution toward greater freedom for all.  Here is my holistic list of freedoms I appreciate…leading to more light and love versus hatred and darkness: 

  • Freedom From Narcissistic Wanna-be Autocratic Rulers–I choose to live in a   democratic country. 
  • Freedom From Mistruths and Lies—very common in the autocratic leadership… deceiving their followers for further power. (over 30,000 mistruths were documented during Trump’s presidency)
  • Freedom From Military Disrespect–the former President has called us military suckers  and losers while not serving one hour due to a bone spur…as a result he should never be Commander in Chief again!
  • Freedom from Citizens who Deny the Darkness of Living under Autocratic Rule–our freedoms are being taken for granted.  (p.s. Have they visited Hitler’s dark history in Germany or the Holocaust Museum in DC…probably not!)
  • Freedom from Conservative Politicians WhoThink They Know better than Women and their Physicians what is best for their healthcare-wonder how those zealots would feel if their blue pills were eliminated from the market and/or when convicted of forced pregnancies through rape or incest…a sterilization process would be required?
  • Freedom from Pro-Life Zealots–who dismiss the healthcare needs of women which should be considered pro-life as well..correct?
  • Freedom of Religion or Spirituality–of our choosing..
  • The Freedom to Marry Whomever We Choose–whether straight, LGBTQ, or  mixed..
  • Freedom from Religious Conservative Hypocrisy–control of women’s abortion rights, LGBTQ, plus black and brown racism when all religions’ bottom line should be about loving our neighbor as Jesus taught.  seemingly worshiping the “toxic  orange man even though he has been convicted of sexual misconduct as well as 34 Felony counts
  • Freedom from Racial Statements of Immigrants by Presidential Candidates…. even though both have married immigrants.  
  • The Freedom to Be Counted As an Equalirregardless of our gender or race. 
  • Freedom to Cast our Vote–without concern of political manipulation of an electoral constituency’s boundaries to favor one party or class;.
  • Freedom from Gun Violence–and those politicians receiving money from the National Rifle Association.  
  • Freedom From Political Messages Behind the Pulpit–the Constitution requires the separation of church and state. 
  • Freedom from Christian Nationalism–who argue that the United States government must defend and enshrine its predominant “Anglo-Protestant” culture to ensure the survival of American democracy; that Christians have a presumptive right to define the meaning of the American experiment because they see themselves as America’s architects, first citizens, and guardians.
  • The Freedom to Access Information to Read Whatever We Choose–including the history of this country no matter how dysfunctional and cruel it’s been over time so that hopefully this history will not be repeated.   
  • Freedom of the Press–facilitates our capacity to formulate our own opinions, by drawing from all available sources.

Let’s vote for our freedoms…they are worth protecting and keeping, Warriors

Political Humor:  A recent survey released by “Rodent Weekly” suggests that the Springfield, Ohio rodent population is exponentially increasing presumably as a result of the precipitous  declining feline population…meow!  

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