Another American Hero 

As we celebrate Labor Day, I was reminded of a beautiful soul who once led our country as president…Jimmy Carter who served as our 39th President from 1977 to 1981. Those years were during my second assignment in Germany.  I admittedly paid little attention to our political situation other than what we saw on FEN (what we endearingly called our “forced entertainment network”) and who could forget our other news source, the Air Force Times.

Even though Roslyn preceded Jimmy in death last year at the age of 96…Jimmy was faithfully in attendance as our oldest living President to date.  . 

Recently, the Democratic National Convention featured many  uplifting speeches…one of which was by Jason Carter (former President, Jimmy Carter’s grandson who chairs The Carter Center, which his grandparents co-founded after leaving the White House)…here are some excerpts from his presentation:  

Jason began by saying that his grandfather “wishes he could be here tonight.”  He went on to say:

“For my grandfather, it was never about fame, recognition, accolades or awards. His legacy is measured by the lives he has touched and the good he has done,” And then Jason added. “Kamala Harris carries my grandfather’s legacy.”

He continued: “She knows what is right, and she fights for it. She understands that leadership is about service, not about selfishness, you can show strength and demonstrate decency. And  you can get a whole lot more done with a smile than with a scowl.”

Jimmy, 99, has been in hospice care for a year and a half, and recently told family that he hopes to live long enough to vote for Harris in the upcoming presidential election.

“My grandfather can’t wait to vote for Kamala Harris,” Jason said on the DNC stage. “She reminds us all that the promise of America remains unchanged. We are one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all, and my grandfather knows that with her as our next president, we will keep that promise.”

Jason also gave a brief update on the former president’s health, saying, “Papa is holding on, he is hopeful, and though his body may be weak tonight, his spirit is as strong as ever.”

In June, Jason told Southern Living that his grandfather was no longer awake every day while in hospice. “[He’s] experiencing the world as best he can as he continues through this process,” Jason told the publication.

Jason revealed in August that his grandfather told Chip, another grandson, that he would like to make it to 100 years old because he’s “only trying to make it to vote for Kamala Harris.” His birthday is on Oct. 1.

He and Rosalynn were hopeful when Biden and Harris were elected to become president and vice president in 2020.

“Rosalynn joins me in congratulating our friends President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris,” he said in a statement in November 2020. “We are proud of their well-run campaign and look forward to seeing the positive change they bring to our nation.”

The Carter Center was established by Rosalyn and Jimmy  to promote and expand human rights; in 2002 he received a Nobel Peace Prize for his work related to it. He traveled extensively to conduct peace negotiations, monitor elections, and further the eradication of infectious diseases. Carter is a key figure in the nonprofit housing organization Habitat for Humanity, which has served over 29 million…amazing!  He has also written numerous books, ranging from political memoirs to poetry, while continuing to comment on global affairs, including two books on the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, in which Carter criticizes Israel’s treatment of Palestinians as apartheid.

Throughout his life, former President Carter has  clung to his unwavering principles…faith, respect for human dignity, equality and human rights and the Biblical Commandment that we should love our neighbor as  ourselves.  For his whole life he has been on the battleground for peace, human rights, for democracy…putting his faith and love into action for others.  What a warrior!  Even though President Carter remains in Hospice…he plans to vote for Kamala as his last heroic act…what a hero for our country! We need more selfless politicians like Jimmy!

Political Humor:  ”There are few things in life harder to find and more important to keep than love. Well, love and a birth certificate.” Barack Obama

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