Depolarizing America through Better Understanding and Kindness

“We are not enemies, but friends.  We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection.  The mystic chords or memories will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as sure they will be, by the better angels of our nature.  The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise to the occasion.” – Abraham Lincoln

Several months ago I was introduced to the Braver Angels non-profit organization based on this enduring statement by Abraham Lincoln. Their goal is to “build a house united”:

“Politics is tough. It always has been.  American politics is competitive, thrilling, frustrating – and infuriating. The stakes are high. Issues are important. Outcomes matter. This is why we care, and should care, about our politics.” 


Today, there is evidence to suggest that we are now as polarized as we have been since the Civil War. It seems Americans no longer see their political opponents as simply wrong or misguided…they see them as enemies who must be defeated at all costs.


Braver Angels do not accept this division. They reject the normalizing of this extreme polarization…they say no to the breakdown of political and social life that it brings. 

As a result…Braver Angels is America’s largest grassroots, cross-partisan organization depolarizing America through education through workshops, debates and podcasts…bringing more understanding resulting in more kindness. The podcasts that I’ve heard have been very enlightening and helpful to my understanding of both sides of topics like Roe vs. Wade and gun safety. .  

Research shows that kindness contributes to our sense of community and belonging. In fact, studies have found, is a key contributor to a healthy, longer life (i.e. lower blood pressure, pain reduction, and increased happiness).  What’s not to love about that?  

On a site titled Mindfulness, I found the following poem by Lomas Childress on kindness that I felt was timely: :

Let Us Be Kind

Let us be kind;

The way is long and lonely,

And human hearts are asking for this blessing only—

That we be kind.

We cannot know the grief that men may borrow,

We cannot see the souls storm-swept by sorrow,

But love can shine upon the way to-day, to-morrow—

Let us be kind.


Let us be kind;

This is a wealth that has no measure,

This is of Heaven and earth the highest treasure—

Let us be kind.

A tender word, a smile of love in meeting,

A song of hope and victory to those retreating,

A glimpse of God and brotherhood while life is fleeting—

Let us be kind.


Let us be kind;

Around the world the tears of time are falling,

And for the loved and lost these human hearts are calling—

Let us be kind.

To age and youth let gracious words be spoken;

Upon the wheel of pain so many lives are broken,

We live in vain who give no tender token—

Let us be kind.


Let us be kind;

The sunset tints will soon be in the west,

Too late the flowers are laid then on the quiet breast—

Let us be kind.

And when the angel guides have sought and found us,

Their hands shall link the broken ties of earth that bound us,

And Heaven and home shall brighten all around us—

Let us be kind.


Kindness suggestions…there are literally hundreds of ideas on the internet, but here are a few to get us started:

  • While driving, make room for the car that wants to enter your lane.
  • Give a genuine compliment to a family member, friend or colleague (via text, email or video chat, please).
  • Do the same for your boss–they probably rarely get compliments!
  • Let go of a grudge and tell that person you forgive them (unless telling them makes it worse).
  • Be there for a friend or relative having a tough time. Don’t try to fix it; just listen.
  • Leave our mail carrier a thank you note.
  • Overtip our delivery persons.

Warriors…let’s get involved by increasing our kindness through more education and understanding via organizations like the Braver Angels.  


Covid Humor:  If you bought 144 rolls of toilet paper in preparation for a 14-day quarantine, you probably should have been seeing a doctor long before coronavirus.

“We are not enemies, but friends.  We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection.  The mystic chords or memories will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as sure they will be, by the better angels of our nature.  The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise to the occasion.” – Abraham Lincoln

Several months ago I was introduced to the Braver Angels non-profit organization based on this enduring statement by Abraham Lincoln. Their goal is to “build a house united”:

“Politics is tough. It always has been.  American politics is competitive, thrilling, frustrating – and infuriating. The stakes are high. Issues are important. Outcomes matter. This is why we care, and should care, about our politics.” 

Today, there is evidence to suggest that we are now as polarized as we have been since the Civil War. It seems Americans no longer see their political opponents as simply wrong or misguided…they see them as enemies who must be defeated at all costs.

Braver Angels do not accept this division. They reject the normalizing of this extreme polarization…they say no to the breakdown of political and social life that it brings. 

As a result…Braver Angels is America’s largest grassroots, cross-partisan organization depolarizing America through education through workshops, debates and podcasts…bringing more understanding resulting in more kindness. The podcasts that I’ve heard have been very enlightening and helpful to my understanding of both sides of topics like Roe vs. Wade and gun safety. .  

Research shows that kindness contributes to our sense of community and belonging. In fact, studies have found, is a key contributor to a healthy, longer life (i.e. lower blood pressure, pain reduction, and increased happiness).  What’s not to love about that?  

On a site titled Mindfulness, I found the following poem by Lomas Childress on kindness that I felt was timely: :

Let Us Be Kind

Let us be kind;

The way is long and lonely,

And human hearts are asking for this blessing only—

That we be kind.

We cannot know the grief that men may borrow,

We cannot see the souls storm-swept by sorrow,

But love can shine upon the way to-day, to-morrow—

Let us be kind.

Let us be kind;

This is a wealth that has no measure,

This is of Heaven and earth the highest treasure—

Let us be kind.

A tender word, a smile of love in meeting,

A song of hope and victory to those retreating,

A glimpse of God and brotherhood while life is fleeting—

Let us be kind.

Let us be kind;

Around the world the tears of time are falling,

And for the loved and lost these human hearts are calling—

Let us be kind.

To age and youth let gracious words be spoken;

Upon the wheel of pain so many lives are broken,

We live in vain who give no tender token—

Let us be kind.

Let us be kind;

The sunset tints will soon be in the west,

Too late the flowers are laid then on the quiet breast—

Let us be kind.

And when the angel guides have sought and found us,

Their hands shall link the broken ties of earth that bound us,

And Heaven and home shall brighten all around us—

Let us be kind.

Kindness suggestions…there are literally hundreds of ideas on the internet, but here are a few to get us started:

  • While driving, make room for the car that wants to enter your lane.
  • Give a genuine compliment to a family member, friend or colleague (via text, email or video chat, please).
  • Do the same for your boss–they probably rarely get compliments!
  • Let go of a grudge and tell that person you forgive them (unless telling them makes it worse).
  • Be there for a friend or relative having a tough time. Don’t try to fix it; just listen.
  • Leave our mail carrier a thank you note.
  • Overtip our delivery persons.

Warriors…let’s get involved by increasing our kindness through more education and understanding via organizations like the Braver Angels.  

Covid Humor:  If you bought 144 rolls of toilet paper in preparation for a 14-day quarantine, you probably should have been seeing a doctor long before coronavirus.

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