Finding Light in 2023

According to an astrological site titled “The Era of Light”:  “We are about to enter into a new, and more illumined cycle. 2023, as Guides shared, is the Year of Wisdom as its universal seventh frequency reminds us..

“Seven is a number that also represents our current planetary transition into a more harmonic and conscious dimension. An inner frequency that is first achieved through our inner work to become whole, and healed beings.”  Whether you believe in astrology or not…we as humans do have options in terms of finding our light.  Let’s take a look at a few “light” examples that have recently occurred:  

At the start of Russia’s war in Ukraine, Zelensky turned down an American offer to evacuate him from Kyiv.

“I need ammunition, not a ride,” Zelensky told the US.

Ten months later, he got both. When Zelensky touched down outside Washington in a US military plane last Wednesday, his arrival capped a 10-day sprint by American and Ukrainian officials to arrange a risky wartime visit meant to rally support for Ukraine’s ongoing resistance to Russia’s invasion.

“The battle is not only for life, freedom, and security of Ukrainians or any other nations which Russia attempts to conquer,” he said. “The struggle will define in what world our children and grandchildren will live in.”

He added, “Your money is not charity. It’s an investment in the global security and democracy that we handle in the most responsible way.”

If that’s not a determined light at the end of this Ukrainian war tunnel, I don’t know what is.  

Another “light” example: Numerous displays of charity, love and kindness to each other  irregardless of political affiliation.  

The Packers still have a play-off chance…hurrah!  

In addition, I would like to share a meditation called “Finding Light” 

A short yet moving and inspiring contemplative reading by Sara Sada on a meditation app I enjoy called Insight Timer…please read on and feel soothed and empowered.

“The time for heaviness is past…heaviness of body, mind, spirit and heart.  That heaviness many of us have felt is part of the time gone and it ‘s time to lighten up. You’re a different person they’ll say.  Things that used to bother you no longer do, they’ll say. Years of heaviness were possible so that you could learn to enjoy life and learn the value of love.  You don’t have to wait to open your heart to love, because you can now. You know that you can trust, you know that you can journey through each stage of your life with an open heart…loving and living freely.  Let go of heaviness…seek that which is light ..gravitate towards joy…your soul and body will lead you if only you will listen. 

“Walk lightly…speak and laugh lightly as much as possible…lets go lightly along our way.  We can call this into play by what we believe, by what we say, by what we envision and by what we speak. This is one of the powers we are learning.  Much of the dance of life, this universal rhythm is out of our control.  But while we don’t choreograph it we can work within the part that is ours, with the power that is ours.  We do this by what we believe. If we believe that we fight the entire world… that we are separate and apart then that most probably will be true. Our beliefs about what we deserve and who is God will change as we journey through our adventure. 

“There is also much right now we can do to participate in changing our beliefs and creating a more desirable life for ourselves. What are our beliefs?  Let’s listen to what we think, what wwe say, and how we react. Listen to ourselves and how we talk to other people about what life is really like and about what always happens to us as a result.  Let’s listen to what we say about what we can do and not do. What we hear ourselves say is what we believe. Let’s try believing something different.  Let’s try asking the Universe to help us change and correct our beliefs. Let’s take an active part in creating our world.  Believe that we deserve love and lightness, believe that universal love is there for us and begin to see exactly who we were created to be 

It’s time to find our light, Warriors and share it in all directions. 

Covid Humor:  Cruise deal…buy one week…get two free.  (Great way to become part of the petri-dish special.)   

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