Holistic Wellness and Politics

As most of you may know, the reason I am writing my wellness column in this wonderful new space is due to the Richland Observer opting to no longer print my column even though it was a paid space. The acting editor shared that politics had no place in a wellness column…au contraire!  I’ll share why that’s another conservative mistruth…more to follow!  But first, I would like to define and share my journey into wellness/holistic wellness since there seems to be some confusion regarding its meaning.  .  

While attending nursing school just a few years ago (smile) we learned the importance of caring for the “whole person” or holistic wellness (mind, body and spirit).  In addition, I was introduced to biofeedback and some of the studies regarding the impact of stress on our holistic wellness triad which I found SO fascinating..it made SO much sense!   However, realistically, once I began patient care with this holistic need in mind as a professional registered nurse, (as many can attest from varying professions), textbook ideations can be quite different from the day to day practical aspects.   Due to staffing…we felt lucky to get our patients’ physical needs met at a minimum and that frustration would continue throughout my patient-care years.  Perhaps that’s why I feel the need to not only further educate but explore holistic wellness options that would be beneficial to all of our journeys…especially in these turbulent times…no matter which political side we prefer.    

While serving a career in the military, we were all basically nonpartisan until it came time to vote. Even while stationed overseas, we were able to get news updates via FEN (which we fondly called “forced entertainment network” since it was the only American TV station available (no Internet or social media…darn…was that a blessing and/or a curse?  Wow…have the times changed!  Our country has become SO divided…admittedly, due to our political climate.  

Realistically, anyone thinking politics does not belong in a wellness discussion has been living under a rock, has their head stuck in the sand or basically is just out of touch with their/our community or readership. For further substantiation of this fact, my friend, Marilyn (a retired attorney) found when she helped me do some research on this issue:  

The American Psychological Association (APA) published an article last October titled: “The impact of election stress: Is political anxiety harming your health?” The answer is a resounding yes.  Their research showed that politics can harm our physical and mental health, however, shared  positive aspects of political engagement can lead to greater well-being and that, of course, is important as well. Further research by Stress in America, 2024 APA  “Americans are feeling increasingly stressed about politics amid assassination attempts, a late-breaking candidate change, debate drama, and legal battles. In APA’s 2024 Stress in America survey, 77% of U.S. adults said the future of our nation was a significant source of stress in their lives.”

In addition, research shows the distress we feel around politics can harm our physical and mental health—and it’s only getting worse. In 2016, the presidential election caused significant stress for 52% of adults—this year, that number jumped to 69%. Additionally, many U.S. adults said they were worried that the election results could lead to violence (74% of respondents) or that the 2024 election could be the end of democracy in the U.S. (56% of respondents) (Stress in America 2024, APA).

SO how may we better navigate these crazy times?  Marilyn also found this helpful article by U.S. News and World Report, Sept. 9, 2024 titled  “How to Better Navigate These Times”.   Even though it was written for election stress, I feel it’s valuable for this post-election time as well.   And now that the new toxic orange guy is in charge with promises of dismantling our government irregardless of who gets caught in the fray…sadly the conservatives are spinelessly fearful of their orange wanna-be-dictator’s wrath…shall I go on?  .    

No matter our political leanings, the following 13 strategies can help us feel less anxious and stressed as our wellness journey continues.

Progress…not perfection, Warrior!  

Political Humor:  It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.

  – Mark Twain

Spiritual Meditation:  Worrying is carrying around wounds we don’t have.

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