Just How Important is Your Freedom? 

America is famous as the land of the free.  What exactly makes us so free when compared to other countries often isn’t always so obvious…in fact, could that be why it may be taken for granted?   Interestingly enough…many conservatives are seemingly leaning toward autocratic-type leaders (i.e. Trump, Putin, Stalin, Hitler)…why would that be when autocratic leadership does NOT equate to freedom.  Here is my holistic list of freedoms that I appreciate…leading to more light and love versus hatred and darkness: 

  1. Freedom From Autocratic Rulers–where most freedoms are lost or controlled by power-hungry, narcissistic autocratic leaders who feel they can do no wrong…placing their desires/goals above the people they serve…often through bullying and retribution. 
  2. Freedom From Mistruths and Lies—very common in the autocratic leadership… deceiving their followers for further power. 
  3. Freedom from Religious Conservative Hypocrisy–control of women’s abortion rights as well as LGBTQ folks when all religions’ bottom line should be about loving our neighbor as Jesus taught. (Wonder how those zealots would feel if their viagra was eliminated from the market and/or when convicted of forced pregnancies through rape or incest…a sterilization process would be required).
  4. The Freedom to Marry Whomever We Choose–whether straight, LGBTQ, mixed marriage is legal in all 50 states currently. However, in countries like Italy, Japan, Switzerland, you can enter into a civil union, but still can’t get married if you’re a same-sex couple. 
  5. The Freedom to Be Counted As an Equalirregardless of our gender or race (which is something that many countries in the world don’t claim). 
  6. Freedom to Cast our Vote–without concern of political manipulation of an electoral constituency’s boundaries to favor one party or class; in contrast, in the Vatican, women have no voting rights, and in Saudi Arabia, women were only given the right to vote in 2015.
  7. The Right to a Fair Trial–12  impartial jurors and a judge. In countries like South Africa, you’d just get the judge, but no jury to decide your fate.
  8. The Freedom to Wear Whatever We Choose–for the most part…this is true in our country, however, In countries like North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Uganda, Sudan, and France, wearing the wrong thing can be a punishable offense.  (Note: the Governor of Tennessee wants to restrict drag shows. (Side note: our founding fathers did not create this country so men could wear frilly shirts, silk stockings and powder wigs.)  P.S. If you don’t like drag shows maybe just don’t go there.  
  9. Freedom to Receive an Educationevery American can enjoy a free education until the age of 18 here in the USA. In many countries, families need their children to work to support them, and in many others, there are countless barriers to accessing an education, especially for women.
  10. Freedom from Gun Violence–and those politicians receiving money from the  National Rifle Association.  
  11. Freedom of Religion–As long as we’re not harming anyone…we can practice which religion we choose…however, the same can’t be said for countless other countries. 
  12. Freedom From Political Messages behind the Pulpit–though not explicitly stated in the First Amendment, the clause is often interpreted to mean that the Constitution requires the separation of church and state. 
  13. Freedom from Christian Nationalism–who argue that the United States government must defend and enshrine its predominant “Anglo-Protestant” culture to ensure the survival of American democracy; that Christians have a presumptive right to define the meaning of the American experiment because they see themselves as America’s architects, first citizens, and guardians.
  14. The Freedom to Read Whatever We Choose and Access Information–including the history of this country no matter how dysfunctional and cruel it’s been over time so that hopefully this history will not be repeated.  Due to their autocratic regimes, China and Russia members have significant limitations. 
  15. The Freedom Against Unlawful Searches–in this country we have rights if no warrant is presented (not a perfect system for many marginalized folks). 
  16. Freedom of the Press–facilitates our capacity to formulate our own opinions, by drawing from all available sources.

Like Joni Mitchell’s song…put up a parking lot because you don’t know freedom until it is lost.

It’s up to us, freedom-loving warriors–speak up for light and love with our voices and votes.  

Covid Humor: I would make a COVID-19 joke, but it would be tasteless.

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