The NEP Syndrome

Recently PBS was hosting their latest fundraising event where I happened to catch Dr. Mark Hyman’s documentary regarding a different way of eating…the Pegan way.  At the end of the session he was asked why some folks have a difficult time changing their current way of eating.  He stated that they/we basically have what he calls the NEP Syndrome…Not Enough Pain and I can totally relate to that deal…so I listened up.    

As you may or may not recall, the word “diet” I totally dislike.  Basically we are all on a freakin diet…right?  I prefer to call it an “eating plan” instead.  However, I may still refer to “diet” in this writing since it is such a familiar word.  Realistically I’ve been on a “eating plan” of sugar, wine, bad carbs and whatever else I chose to indulge in.  What fun…however as Dr. Phil likes to say…”how’s that working for ya”?  How about joint pain,major indigestion, lack of energy, drive and even some recently diagnosed vertigo for several examples.  Even though to this date I’m unsure whether the vertigo was caused by some crystals in one of my inner ears that got dislodged, however, none of it is or has been a fun deal.  Bottom line, I could definitely relate to Dr. Hyman’s “NEP Syndrome”…I had arrived…what an epiphany that this all came at this point in my life…it was a sign!   And yes, I get that it’s the Holiday Season…what a challenging time to make a significant change like this Pegan plan…however, if not now…then when (denial be gone)!  

For decades, the “diet” wars have challenged advocates for the low-carb, high-fat paleo plan against advocates of the plant-based vegan plan and dozens of other “diets” leaving most of us bewildered and confused. For those of us on the sidelines, trying to figure out which approach is best has been nearly impossible…both plans have unique benefits and drawbacks. How do we eat to reverse disease, for optimal health, longevity, and performance.  There must be a better way!

Fortunately, there is. With The Pegan plan, food-is-medicine approach, Dr.  Hyman explains how to take the best aspects of this paleo deal (good fats, limited refined carbs, limited sugar) and combine them with the vegan diet (lots and lots of fresh, healthy veggies) to create a plan that is not only good for our brain and our body, but also good for the  planet…wow, what a concept

The Pegan Plan:  Eat Your Medicine

The “Eat your medicine” principle in-line with the Pegan plan reinforces  the concept  that “You are what you eat”.  What we choose to introduce in our body today is extremely important and WILL  (physically, biologically, practically) be made-up-of in our near future…no matter how much denial may continue.   

Dr. Hymen states that we are getting the best part from two of the best diets, making the Pegan plan the best eating option, the most common sense from the health point of view, because it provides a proven solid nutrition foundation.  The universal fundamentals of this plan are:

  • Eat whole foods that are minimally processed
  • Limit added sugar intake
  • Eat lots of vegetables (but not exclusively)
  • Eat  high fiber foods

Protein:  eating lean, organic poultry, organic eggs and grass-fed organic meat is recommended.  By taking great care regarding the quality of the meat to consume, we are sure to promote the anti-inflammatory goal we are trying to reach. 

Dairy:  just like the Paleo and Vegan plans, Pegan suggests avoiding or consuming a limited quantity of dairy products.  Instead of milk, cheese, butter and cream, one can introduce coconut milk, almond yogurt and cashew cheese. 

Sugars:  the Pegan plan recommends strongly limiting consumption of both processed as well as unprocessed sugar as much as possible.  And yes, wine and alcohol contains sugars as well…I know…huge bummer however, it is what it is!  

Noted Benefits:  Even though I’m coming up on two weeks on this plan, I’m noticing less GI distress, less joint pain and some additional energy.  I have great hope that many of my issues will continue to improve as my inflammatory process reduces.  

I’m considering this new plan a self-love gift this Holiday Season…versus deprivation.   Progress, Warriors…not perfection!  

Covid Humor:  The diet problem never goes away: Every few days try your jeans on just to make sure they fit. Pajamas will have you believe all is well in the kingdom:

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