Warrior Women–Be Afraid!

Many of us have been inspired by the leadership and the resolve of the Ukrainian people during this raging war–due to Putin’s ugly and evil dictatorial agenda. But what about those Ukrainian warrior women?  From those women fleeing the violence in Ukraine with their children and families, to those on the front lines, or bringing us their stories on the ground as journalists, there are many women playing vital roles in this crisis.

With this war raging in Europe after 70+ years of peace, this past International Women’s Day is a particularly perfect time to acknowledge the courage, intellect and grit of the array of extraordinary women in key roles in every aspect of this conflict.  

To all of these warriors risking their lives in Ukraine and in neighboring countries you’re incredible and the whole world is watching and behind you. What a sense of pride I feel to be a part of my female counterparts in so many ways and on so many levels.  

Never underestimate the power of warrior women–in fact, the management of this crisis is in better hands with these truly extraordinary women doing their extraordinary work for peace, democracy, women’s rights and human rights.

These women–and many, many others–are literally making history today and we owe them our gratitude this International Women’s Day, this Women’s History Month, and every day. There are many other notable aspects happening among a number of women’s issues that we are battling.  

Soccer Pride:  What about those soccer women warriors?  Female athletes continue to face opponents on the field and off–constantly told they aren’t good enough or strong enough, are dull to watch, celebrate too much when they win, and cry too much when they lose–seriously?   A battle was waged over several years and finally a $24 million settlement between the US Women’s National Team (USWNT) and the US Soccer Federation (USSF), announced in a court filing last month, will provide more equality in the form of pay and working conditions.  What a great reminder that over time, with persistence, hard work and effort that important equality work can move forward.  

In addition, there are women warriors fighting the battle for women’s freedom rights as well.   

The right for women’s freedom:  I can’t lie–there seems to be a lot of hypocrisy when it comes to many things in politics and this issue is no exception.  Why are the conservative right in many states passing legislation that bans abortion at six weeks (before most women even know they’re pregnant). In some states when the pregnancy comes from incest and/or rape, these new legal rules often do not waiver–plus these conservative politicians on the other hand don’t feel it’s necessary to put up the money for the care of those children once born (i.e. child care).   

The fight to end abortion has never been about when life begins, or protecting “babies”; it’s seemingly about controlling women, and the anti-abortion movement’s legislative apathy toward IVF (In vitro fertilization) proves it.

When you recognize the real goal in actuality is keeping women in their place then all of these actions start to make sense. They want us women to be uneducated about our bodies, have little recourse to prevent pregnancy (due to some religious reasons), and eventually no choice about whether to remain pregnant.

Question:  So if one is pro-life then they can’t support unrestricted gun rights–right?  Yet more hypocrisy! 

Another question:  Would men want their male parts legislated?  Probably not!

Bottom line, when it comes to whether a woman should have the freedom to do with her body as she chooses (ultimately answering to herself and her creator) then so be it!  When states try to legislate this–be afraid come election time!  

Women’s Voting Rights:   Again, many conservatively-run states are making some legal changes so that voting is more difficult–not only for black and brown folks–but for all of us.  Our voting boxes here in Richland County are now gone, making it more challenging to cast one’s ballot without having to put it in the mailing system or having to take it to a government building.    

Again, when voting is made more challenging due to these conservative laws and voting districts changed to benefit the right–watch how many people will be out to vote as a result–and women warriors will be behind this effort–once again, be afraid.  

Just like those wonderful women warriors on the front lines of Ukraine–never underestimate the power of Warrior Women power (and a few good Warrior Men)!!

Freedom and equality are important for holistic wellness–mind, body and spirit.  

Colvid Humor:  Do they still make days-of-the-week underwear?  Personally I could still use some and I’m blaming this confusion on that darn virus.   

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