Welcome! This blog documents my wellness journey and thoughts and insights as I progress through my own wellness challenges and I have this suspicion that you may be able to relate to much of it.
My intention is to show you (in a fun way) how to strive for balance with holistic wellness by harmonizing the mind, body and spirit. The body has a truly amazing ability to heal, repair and defend itself when it’s given the right information and tools.
That’s the challenge most of us are facing with chronic diseases. We feel as if we are “stuck” with traditional health care, which primarily addresses symptoms instead of solving the underlying causes. As Dr. Phil frequently says, “How’s that workin’ for ya?” Most of us would reply, “Not so well.” Don’t misunderstand–our emergency care system is wonderful, and I wouldn’t want to be in any other country.
But most of us continue to follow the rules of traditional health care, despite our dissatisfaction. Why do we? Continuing to do what we have always done, but expecting different results, is the definition of insanity. There is SO much more to wellness than this approach.
When I told a doctor I began seeing about my use of acupuncture, chiropractic, massage and other alternative holistic wellness disciplines, I was asked why I was doing all that…really? As I told her at the time “I’m a 60 year old woman and not on any medication and I would like to keep it that way!” Sadly enough, that’s an example of what many traditional medical practitioners think of those non-traditional forms of medicine.
That being said, some things are getting better. Many aspects of wellness are moving toward a more integrative approach, combining medical with nutritional science in a holistic orientation, which I find SO exciting. And as I attend the National Wellness Conference each year, I am very encouraged by our movement toward wellness concepts in this country. Simply put: Balance is the key to wellness.
My book and now this blog are a call to arms for people stuck in the traditional medicine world to take control of their lives and make good choices to stay well instead of trying to fix sickness when it eventually afflicts them. It will give you an overview of the holistic wellness universe and a different perspective on your overall options so you can better achieve that necessary balance. Here you’ll find holistic options that you can take to find your own path to wellness. Take what you like and leave the rest–there is something here for everyone.
This is not a one-size-fits-all deal. We are all on our own wellness timeline and journey. However, since over 85% of our health-care costs could be decreased with some lifestyle changes–why not? Your current and future quality of life truly hangs in the balance.
You will be given a clear understanding of what factors build wellness instead of disease.
You have the power, and here you’ll gain the truth you need to make wellness more of a reality in your life. It truly is up to you to take responsibility and choose wellness over sickness.