We are All Survivors of Our Multiracial Roots

Say what?  Multiracial?  All of us? There are no pure bred humans according to Harvard Medical School genetics professor, David Reich…”we are all  genetic mutts”.  Sorry to burst your puritanical bubble if you had one…but that’s the deal.   This Harvard Gazette article goes on by explaining that examining ancient DNA has provided and revealed ?

Several years ago I was interested in knowing  my DNA results which reveal 40% English (thanks Mom); 25% German (thanks Dad); 12%  Scandinavian; 8% Polish (OK…no jokes);7% French; and 8% Spanish…si, si..go figure.  Yup…I’m living up to that “mutt” comment.  I’m still uncovering the journeys that many of my tribe took to immigrate to this country…nevertheless, I’m a survivor of it all…thank you ancestors!   

In the PBS program “Finding Your Roots” Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. explores the ancestry of dozens of influential people from varied backgrounds, taking millions of viewers deep into the past to reveal the connections that connect us all…what an incredible history lesson and gift of survival stories.  His guests are frequently surprised to learn of the remarkable resilience and struggles of their ancestors that ultimately gave them their life and existence today.  

One of the most powerful forces driving human migration and interaction has been trade. The exchange of goods, ideas, technologies, and cultural practices has been a driving force behind the movement of people and the mixing of populations throughout history. Trade routes of the Indian Ocean, for example, connected distant lands and facilitated the exchange of goods and knowledge between diverse peoples.

Through trade, people of different races and ethnicities came into contact with one another, leading to intercultural exchanges that shaped the development of civilizations and societies around the world. The spread of religions like Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism along these trade routes not only transformed spiritual beliefs but also influenced art, architecture, language, and social custom…and our mosaic landscape continues.  .

In addition, knowing our family history builds resilience in us all. In learning about our ancestors’ lives we can see patterns of overcoming failures and surviving hard times. Their stories remind us that surely not everything in life will work easily…disappointments and inequalities do exist. But with this understanding, we can recover, triumph, and find happiness despite hardships.

Regarding unearthing our  family history/roots, Bruce Feiler, in an article for the New York Times, summarizes a study about the resilience of children (and adults too):

“The more children knew about their family’s history, the stronger their sense of control over their lives, the higher their self-esteem and the more successfully they believed their families functioned. [It] turned out to be the best single predictor of children’s emotional health and happiness.” 

Our family history goes beyond the names and dates in our tree that make us who we are…it’s a significant piece of our complex puzzle.  

In conclusion, we are all survivors of our multiracial ancestors, whose journeys, interactions, and struggles have shaped the world we inhabit today. By acknowledging and embracing our diverse heritage, we can build a more inclusive and equitable world that celebrates the beauty of human diversity in all its forms.

Here’s a fitting meditation on Insight Timer by Renee Fesser titled “The Day You Were Born”:

“The day you were born it was glorious…it is true.  All Heaven smiled and cried tears of joy and tears of love. The day you were born angels descended to walk with you…they greeted you and kissed your brow and whispered in your ear words of love. The day you were born your ancestors prayed and danced and sent their blessings.  The day you were born is your earthly birthday…remind yourself this day and every day that you are a gift of love. Darling it’s true…you are a miraculous, glorious gift from above.”  

Even though we are all “mutts”…we are deserving of a good home, love, respect and compassion and kindness…may our compassion and love to each other speak to this truth, Warriors!  

Spiritual Meditation: Our gift to the world is found in the love (and compassion) that we share..  – Daily Medicine

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